
More than a decade has passed since the idea was born - two best friends buy a VW bus and travel south along the Pacific Ocean. In search of good waves, beautiful beaches, interesting cultures, overwhelming landscapes and great new acquaintances. What for years seemed to be just a dream, is finally coming true. We landed in Vancouver on September 19,2017. Today we buy our VW Bus T3 Westfalia and tomorrow the adventure can begin. Drive along the Panamerican Highway from Canada to Chile.

On September 28, 2017 we started with our Westy in Vancouver direction Vancouver Island. The entire journey is expected to last about a year and will end in Chile. According to our calculations, there are still about 40'000 km ahead of us and 16 countries to discover. We are looking very much forward to this adventure!

After two weeks of e-mail, photo exchange, clarification, test drive, pre-purchase inspection through the garage, a few minor repairs and lots of paperwork, we can proudly introduce our new home. Many thanks to Erik, who sold us his beloved VW bus.

This is a 1984 Volkswagen T3 Westfalia T3, with a proud 272'782km on the body. Luckily, Erik recently had a new water-cooled 2.2L engine with 4 cylinders installed, which makes the old lady suddenly very interesting for our adventure. With only 10'000km on the engine, it literally sprays with new energy, "knock on wood".